Saturday, July 18, 2015

You Matter!

Yes, you matter! You are one-of-a-kind! In a world that wants you to conform, please be you.

It is from the authentic self  you live a life of passion and meaning. Sure, we can conform and do what others think we should do or be, it seems the easier route. But it is not your route!!!

Be a trailblazer. Be you!

You were created on purpose for a purpose. To be the glowing example of the joy of being you full throttle!

Apologies that my posts are not as frequent. Priorities come into play :).

Do any of your feel stretched to the max?

Please do connect and follow me on
and Plus on LinkedIn

Blessings and joy!!! And remember, you matter. Be the leader that you are.

Dare to be a Greater You!!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Living Your Legacy

Happy day to you all!

Isn't it awesome we have the privilege to live our legacy everyday?

Quite a challenge, yet worth it.

Are you living your legacy today or waiting? Every day counts! Every interaction counts.

My legacy I hope I am living every day -- to leave the world a better place. To give people encouragement and hope that inside they have seeds of greatness.

To be an Earth Angel.

Choose to live your legacy today before it is too late.

Live well! Be the blessing!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Are You a Listener or a Talker?

Think back to leaders you have known please. Did they have the ability to truly listen?

I bet they did. People we remember in a positive manner are people who listened with their eyes, heart and ears.

Being listened to makes us feel validated and respected. And who doesn't want that?

Who needs validation today? Go do it! You will reap respect and trust -- advocates.

My motto: Listen more, talk less.

This includes listening to your heart :).